Top 7 Martial Arts for Street Fighting

Street fights are a harsh reality of life that can strike without warning. Whether it’s a mugging gone wrong or a bar brawl that spirals out of control, it’s essential to be prepared. 

And that’s where martial arts come in. With the proper training, you can learn how to defend yourself in a real-life street fight and emerge victorious. However, not all martial arts are created equal regarding self-defense. 

From the brutal efficiency of Krav Maga to the ground-based submissions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, each martial art has its unique strengths. We’ll take a closer look at the key features that make these martial arts so effective in real-world situations and give you a comprehensive understanding of what each has to offer.

Whether you’re a seasoned martial artist looking to expand your skillset or just someone curious about how to defend yourself, read on to discover the top 7 martial arts for street fighting.

Sambo is a Russian martial art developed by the Soviet Red Army in the early 1920s. It combines elements of Judo and wrestling and is known for its emphasis on throws, submissions, and striking. Sambo is considered one of the best martial arts for street fighting because of its versatility and effectiveness in stand-up and ground fighting.

key features of sambo

  • Combines Judo and wrestling: Sambo combines Judo and wrestling, making it a versatile martial art for street fighting.
  • Emphasis on throws, submissions, and striking: Sambo places a significant focus on throws, submissions, and striking, making it a practical martial art for street fighting.
  • Versatility: Sambo is effective in stand-up and ground fighting, making it a versatile martial art for street fighting.
  • Developed by the Soviet Red Army: Sambo was developed by the Soviet Red Army, which is a testament to its effectiveness as a martial art.

Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a military self-defense system developed in Israel. It is designed to be used in real-world combat situations. It is taught to military personnel and law enforcement agencies around the world. 

Krav Maga is considered one of the best martial arts for street fighting because of its focus on efficient and practical techniques that can be used in real-world situations. It emphasizes strikes, grappling, and weapon disarmament, making it a highly versatile and practical martial art for self-defense.

KEY features of krav maga

  • Emphasis on real-world combat situations: Krav Maga was developed for military and law enforcement. It is tailored to provide practical and effective techniques for street fighting scenarios.
  • Taught to military and law enforcement: This martial art is trusted and used by the army and law enforcement agencies worldwide, which is a testament to its effectiveness in real-world situations.
  • Full-contact sparring: Krav Maga encourages sparring in full-contact conditions, which helps practitioners to develop their skills and techniques in a realistic training environment.
  • Brutal and efficient techniques: Krav Maga is known for its efficiency and effectiveness. Its methods are designed to end a fight quickly and decisively.
  • Focus on striking, grappling, and weapon disarmament: Krav Maga provides a comprehensive self-defense system, incorporating strikes, wrestling, and weapon defense, making it a highly versatile martial art.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art focusing on ground fighting. BJJ is considered one of the best martial arts for street fighting because it teaches practitioners how to control and submit an attacker, even if they are bigger and stronger. 

BJJ is also very effective in dealing with multiple attackers, a common scenario in street fights. The art also provides a great workout and is a popular sport in its own right.

key features of brazilian jiu-jitsu

  • Ground fighting techniques: BJJ emphasizes taking the fight to the ground and submitting your opponent using joint locks and chokeholds.
  • Leverage-based submissions: BJJ teaches practitioners to use leverage instead of brute force to control and submit an opponent, making it an ideal martial art for those who may not have a size or strength advantage.
  • Emphasis on technique over strength: BJJ focuses on developing plans and strategies to overcome a larger, stronger opponent, making it an ideal self-defense martial art for people of all sizes and fitness levels.
  • Good workout: BJJ provides full-body training that helps to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility.
  • Popular sport: BJJ has a thriving competition scene, making it a great martial art to practice if you are looking for a challenging and rewarding sport.


Boxing is a western sport that has been used as self-defense for centuries. It involves using punches and combinations to defend oneself in a fight. 

Boxing is considered one of the best martial arts for street fighting because of its emphasis on hand speed and power, footwork, and defense techniques. 

Additionally, boxing is one of the most used forms of fighting in a street dispute. It is easily accessible, easy to learn, and a great cardiovascular workout.

key features of boxing

  • Footwork and defense techniques: Boxing also emphasizes footwork and defense techniques, which can be vital in a street fight where you may need to quickly move out of harm’s way or block incoming strikes.
  • Great cardiovascular workout: Boxing is a great cardiovascular workout that can help to improve your stamina and endurance, which can be crucial in a street fight where the altercation might last longer than a few seconds.
  • Commonly used form of fighting in street altercations: Boxing is one of the most used forms of fighting in street altercations, as it is easily accessible, easy to learn, and effective in defending yourself.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a striking-based martial art from Thailand. It is also known as “The Art of Eight Limbs” because it uses punches, kicks, elbows, and knee strikes. 

Muay Thai is considered one of the most effective striking arts for self-defense and street fighting because of its emphasis on robust and precise strikes and its use of elbow and knee strikes, which can be especially effective in close-quarters combat.

key features of muay thai

  • Striking-based martial art: Muay Thai is a striking-based martial art that focuses on robust and precise strikes, which can be highly effective in a street fight.
  • “The Art of Eight Limbs”: Muay Thai is known as the “The Art of Eight Limbs” because it uses punches, kicks, elbows, and knee strikes, providing practitioners with a wide range of striking options.
  • Emphasis on powerful and precise strikes: Muay Thai focuses on developing robust and accurate strikes, which can be decisive in a street fight.
  • Use of elbow and knee strikes: Muay Thai also incorporates elbow and knee strikes, which can be especially effective in close-quarters combat, a common scenario in street fights.


Aikido is a Japanese martial art that uses an attacker’s energy against them. Aikido techniques involve redirecting an attacker’s force and using joint locks and throw to take them down. 

Aikido is a non-violent martial art that may not be suitable for all street fights as it’s not based on striking and relies on redirecting the attacker’s force. 

Still, it can be highly effective in certain situations where the practitioner can use the attacker’s energy and momentum against them.

key features of aikido

  • Uses an attacker’s energy against them: Aikido techniques involve redirecting an attacker’s force and using joint locks and throws to take them down, making it a highly effective martial art when the attacker’s energy can be used against them.
  • Joint locks and throws: Aikido relies heavily on joint locks and throws to neutralize an attacker, making it a practical martial art for close-quarters combat.
  • Non-violent: Aikido is a non-violent martial art that can be useful in situations where the practitioner wants to avoid causing harm to the attacker.
  • Not focused on competition; Aikido is not focused on competition and is more focused on promoting peace and harmony, which can be helpful in specific street fight scenarios where de-escalation is necessary.


Judo is a Japanese martial art that was developed from Jujutsu. Judo is a grappling-based martial art that focuses on throws and submissions. It is an Olympic sport known for its effectiveness in sports and self-defense. 

Judo can be especially effective in street fighting situations where the practitioner can take the fight to the ground and use throws and submissions to neutralize the attacker.

key features of judo

  • Grappling-based: Judo is a grappling-based martial art that focuses on throws and submissions, making it a practical martial art for close-quarters combat.
  • Throws and submissions: Judo relies heavily on throws and submissions to neutralize an attacker, making it a practical martial art for street fighting.
  • Olympic sport: Judo is an Olympic sport, a testament to its effectiveness as a martial art.
  • Effective in sport and self-defense: Judo is effective both as a sport and for self-defense, making it a versatile martial art for practitioners to study.


Street fights can happen at any time and place, and it’s essential to be prepared. The proper techniques and training can mean the difference between getting out safely or seriously injured. The martial arts listed in this blog post are considered some of the most effective for self-defense in real-life street fight scenarios. 

Each martial art has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and it’s crucial to find the one that is the best fit for you.

It’s important to remember that martial arts training should always be done under the guidance of a qualified and experienced instructor. Also, it’s essential to remember that no single martial art is the best fit for everyone and that it’s better to find the one that fits your personal preferences, goals, and physical capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What should I look for in a martial art for street fighting?

A. When looking for a martial art for street fighting, it’s essential to consider the effectiveness of the techniques in real-world situations, the emphasis on self-defense over the sport, the level of physicality, and the training methods.

Q. Is it necessary to have an excellent physical condition to practice martial arts for street fighting?

A. Physical fitness is vital for any martial art, including those designed for street fighting. A proficient level of physical fitness can help to improve your stamina and endurance, which can be crucial in a street fight where the altercation might last longer than a few seconds.

 However, some martial arts, such as Aikido, place more emphasis on relaxation and breathing and less on physical condition. Evaluating your physical capabilities and choosing a martial art appropriate for you is crucial.

Q. How can I find a qualified and experienced instructor to teach me martial arts for street fighting?

A. Finding a qualified and experienced instructor is crucial when learning martial arts for street fighting. Look for instructors with real-world experience, such as those who have served in the military or law enforcement or who have a proven track record of teaching self-defense. Research online, ask for recommendations from friends and family and visit different schools to observe classes and meet the instructors before deciding.

Q. Is it necessary to practice sparring in martial arts for street fighting?

A. Sparring is an essential aspect of martial arts training, especially for street fighting. Sparring in a controlled and safe environment allows practitioners to test their skills and techniques in a realistic setting and can also help to improve reflexes and reaction time. However, it’s also important to note that not all martial arts styles include sparring, and it’s crucial to find a martial art that fits your personal preferences and goals.

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